Praise the Lord for another day and chance to move forward with the work of saving souls. As I sit here putting together this message my spirit is vexed by the happenings of the present times; the ugliness of the political games that are being played out right in front of our eyes; the attacks on the character of the men and women of God by the media and other so called Christians. The one question I’m putting out for you and I today is why as children of God do we allow this to happen and we say nothing? Today I’m going to shake things up in our minds so get ready.
Today’s Prayer
“The circumstances of life, the events of life, and the people around me in life, do not make me the way I am, but reveal the way I am” [Dr. Sam Peeples].
Father, this quote is really true. I’ve known people who have gone through some very tough times in life. Some of them allow their experiences to motivate them to try harder, keep a positive attitude, and be generally nice. Others have become bitter, withdrawn, negative, and are generally not pleasant to be around. Please, help me to keep my eyes on You and on the positive view of life. Don’t ever let me become a bitter, negative person. Help me to be an encouragement to the people I face every day. Give me strength to live in the power of the Holy Spirit. And please, forgive me where I have failed. Thank You, God, for giving me hope and a future. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
Let’s eat.
Becoming the Head
The LORD will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the LORD your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom (Deut 28:13-14).
I’m going to lay out some facts that all of us can understand about real life. Coca-Cola, at this time in the world market has a 40% market share in the soft drink industry. It is the number one brand in the world not just this country. When Coke comes into a business environment, they have authority in that realm. They have great respect because of their position in business.
I was studying some startling findings that George Barna, the U.S. Christian researcher on Christian activity produced in an article I read recently. He tells us that 35-45% of the U.S. population is born again. Based on the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in the year 2005, there were 149 million adult workers. Simply multiplying this figure by 40% would give you a figure of 59 million Christian adult workers. If this is so, why aren’t we having more impact?
I would have to say the body of Christ in America is not the head, but is still the tail. Part of the reason for this is that we have not understood our biblical mandate to have dominion on the earth as was modeled in Genesis with Adam and Eve. When Jesus returned to earth He came to save that which was lost and restore this principle of dominion (Luke 19:10). When Jesus prayed in the Lord’s prayer: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven? (Matt 6:9-10), He was praying that His dominion would be restored on earth just as it is in Heaven.
However, we have given over this leadership to the ungodly in our societies. In order to restore this we must win the battle in seven key domains in society. These include 1) business, 2) government, 3) education, 4) arts and entertainment, 5) religion, 6) media and 7) the family.
All of this begins by affirming the calling of men and women, boys and girls in the body of Christ as having a holy calling. Realize that whatever work or play you are doing, God has called you to express His life in that arena in order to have His dominion over the earth.
Quote of the Day
The divine Instructor has taken us under his wing and he is putting us through our exercises so that hands which hang down can be lifted up, and feet are straightened out, and a lame man is helped to walk. The Instructor is saying such things as, now “Keep moving, don’t let yourself get stiff, keep the joints moving, keep them as supple as you can. ~Martyn Lloyd-Jones~