The focus for the day is “ God’s authority”. There are so many believers that don’t have a clue of the power that God has bestowed on us, therefore they let the world tell them they have NO power and they accept it. We are going to feast on this today, but first we will pray.

Today’s Prayer

Father, we have to make decisions every day of life. Some are big decisions; others are simple decisions. Please help us not to presume we know everything, but to come to You in faith. Show us who would be a good counselor to keep us accountable and help open our eyes when making weighty decisions. We pray that You will give us wisdom, direction and spiritual discernment to know what is the right decision. God, thank You for being the great Counselor, for loving us, and for correcting the mistakes we sometimes make or helping us navigate through the results of a wrong decision. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Let’s eat.

God’s Authority

I will not speak with you much longer, for the prince of this world is coming. He has no hold on Me, but the world must learn that I love the Father and that I do exactly what My Father has commanded Me…. – John 14:30-31

    Here we are again looking for the truth in the Word. There is a constant war going on between our flesh and the Spirit. As believers, the Spirit seeks to move us under the authority of His domain in order for us to fulfill all that we were created for. Every person was designed to be under some form of authority. Jesus modeled this in His own life. He lived under the authority of His heavenly Father. He made no independent decisions. He, unlike us, was sinless and always remained under His Father’s authority. He acknowledged that the prince of this world has a hold on many, but did not have a hold on Jesus.

    The prince of this world does have his hold on many in our world, even among our brothers and sisters in the church gatherings. The one thing most of us want the greatest is the freedom to make our own decisions. It goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden when the decision was made to exercise a personal right: freedom to decide, freedom of choice, freedom from hindrances, freedom from pain. However, Jesus said He had no freedom of choice. He chose only the Father’s desire for His life. He was the ultimate model of a man under authority.

    Each day we must determine if we’ll willingly choose to be under the authority of the Father and the direction of the Holy Spirit. It is a choice each of us must make. It is a choice that actually leads to freedom, not bondage. Choosing to live under the authority of our heavenly Father frees us to gain the greatest fulfillment in life-His mission and the purposes He has for us. It is the little decisions of daily life that reveal whether we truly live under His authority. I hope this meal helps somebody the way it put me straight when I was putting it together. All glory to God for constantly touching my heart and spirit. He always gives me something to share.

Quote of the Day

So what to do? Two things, it seems to me. At least two. Use up each day. Fill it overflowing with good. Deliberately enjoy it. Two, begin now. Mend a fractured friendship, mail an overdue letter, repair a broken heart, lay aside a grievance, act on a noble impulse. As we all know, The night cometh. ~Lanny Henninger~






Written by Glenn Sterrett, Founder and CEO of the GCKRS™ Helping Hand Foundation.

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