I don’t know about anybody else but I just feel like praising God for no other reason than He is God. Will you join me in my praise? I had a series of crazy dreams about being rejected every time I tried to do something good. Of course you know when I woke up it caused me to write a little something about being rejected. Let it bless you.

Today’s Prayer

“Hear my cry, O God: Attend to my prayer. From the end of the earth I will cry to You, When my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For You have been a shelter for me. A strong tower from the enemy. I will abide in Your tabernacle forever; I will trust in the shelter of Your wings” (Psalm 61:1-4). Please calm our souls and be our shelter always. We praise You and worship You, Almighty God and loving Father. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for who You are and all You have done and all You will do, from moment to moment and age to age. You are worthy of honor and praise and glory. In the matchless name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

Let’s eat.

Rejected for Christ

And they took offense at Him. – Matthew 13:57

    This one line of scripture sums up how the majority of people felt about our savior in the times of His preparation to free mankind of its sin. Jesus taught in the synagogue in the community He grew up in. He was raised as a local carpenter’s son. Nobody saw any miraculous powers in this young boy’s life. But something changed as He became older. “Where did this man get this wisdom and these miraculous powers?” Those in the community couldn’t wrap their minds around the fact that God would and did work through someone they thought they knew simply as the carpenter’s son. God brings every person who is committed to Him out of their normal routine into a new revelation of Himself that impacts others.

    Is the move of God so evident in your life that it invites scrutiny from friends or coworkers? Jesus confronted the issues of His day without fear of being rejected. A life of obedience will be an outrage to the systems of this world. When God begins His deeper work in you, it will be a stumbling block to those around you. When you are rejected for Christ, consider that Christ is affirming His call on your life and you are becoming a threat to the kingdom of darkness. How many of the devil’s workers do you suppose have been assigned to prevent God’s activity in your life? Those who sit in a pew from week to week and never speak the name of Christ in the workplace require few opponents because they represent no threat to the kingdom of darkness.

How are you impacting the kingdom of darkness? God has called you and I to impact the lives around us for His Kingdom. Your words may cause offense to those around you; do not fear this. God will use your words and life to draw others to Himself. We are His ambassadors in the workplace and everywhere we go. He has placed us there for this time to extend life to those who live in darkness.

Quote of the Day

Some people are so cynical about free gifts that they refuse to visit stores that offer such extras. Many in our world reject the free gift from God and they refuse the good things He has to offer. God will provide for your every need, and as you grow in faith and trust, He will fill your heart with the desire for the good things in life. Jesus Christ is the bread of life. He is the Word made flesh. He was sent from heaven to live, die and rise again to new life so we can freely live in the love and glory of the Most High God. It costs us nothing. Eat and drink the gift of eternal life. Partake in the bread and living water that is Christ Jesus, and be satisfied. Thanks be to God. ~Peggy Hoppes~







Written by Glenn Sterrett, Founder and CEO of the GCKRS™ Helping Hand Foundation.

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