Oh give thanks unto the Lord for He is good yes He is good. I’m so amazed but I shouldn’t be how God uses the experiences of my life for me to learn from and share with all of you.

Today’s Prayer

Father, I come to you on behalf of my brothers and sisters in Christ everywhere to say that I know that You have a plan for our lives. Sometimes, we’re not sure we’re following the right path that will fulfill Your perfect will. I pray that You will give us discernment to make the right choices, and to recognize when You place someone in our lives to give direction and point out truths that will prepare us for the path we are to follow and the circumstances we are to face. Lord, please give us strength, grace from on high to not turn back neither to one side or the other, but to remain focused straight ahead on You. In the wonderful name Jesus I pray, Amen.

Let’s eat.


Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 3:13-14

     This message came about because of an experience  I had with a group of college students. That experience got me reflecting on years past when some of the decisions I made were very negative. Sometimes our past can be a hindrance or a help in moving toward God’s purposes for each of us. For some, the past has meant pain and heartache, and grace is required so that we don’t let our past dictate our responses to the future. If we allow our past to make us a victim, then we haven’t entered into the grace that God has for us. If we live on memories of past successes and fail to raise our vision for new things, we again are victims of our past.

   As the bible tells us; “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland” (Isaiah 43:19).

    Our past should only be viewed for what we can learn from it. We must move forward and avoid viewing the negative or the positive for more than what we can learn. Many have allowed their past to dictate their future. God is always about doing new things in our lives. He gives fresh revelation of His purposes in our lives. Don’t live in the past. Don’t hold onto bitterness that may hinder God from doing new and exciting things in your life. He turns our wastelands into streams of water to give life, not death.

How have you viewed your past? Has it hindered you in some areas of your life? Have you relied on past successes to dictate what you will do in the future? Put aside such thoughts and allow God to do a new thing in your life. Ask Him to help you see the new things He wants to do in and through you today. And I don’t know where this saying came from, it just sticks in my spirit; when your memories are bigger than your dreams, you’re headed for the grave.

Quote of the Day

Whenever troubles are weighing you down they are not chains. They are featherweight when compared to the glory yet to come. With a sweep of a prayer and the praise of a child’s heart, God can strip away any cobweb.

~Joni Eareckson Tada~







Written by Glenn Sterrett, Founder and CEO of the GCKRS™ Helping Hand Foundation.

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