Good day everyone. I am compelled by the Holy Spirit to send out a heart felt prayer for all of you and your families this morning so I will be obedient to the leading.

Today’s Prayer 

Father, Every person who is sharing in this time devoted to You has loved ones who do not know You. I pray for them and their loved ones, as well as my loved ones, who need You. I pray that You will work in the lives and circumstances of those who are lost. I pray that the Holy Spirit will prick their hearts and draw them to You. I pray that believers will behave as they should and will be a witness to them. I pray that You will lift up the poor, the backslidder, the rich and lonely, the addict, the every-day person who just doesn’t see their need for a Savior. I pray for anyone and everyone who does not yet know You, that opportunities will come to them to change their lives, to give themselves to You, to repent and be saved and serving the God of the universe. Bless the prayers of family and friends, reach down and out to these lost souls. Save them I pray, in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Let’s eat.

Be as Little Children

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! – 1 John 3:1.

    I remember years ago my wife and I having discussed the fact over the years that I don’t use an alarm clock to wake myself on any given day and have not used one for years. I explained to her that I left that to God. Now I know that there is someone thinking that God doesn’t deal with such trivial things but I beg to differ with that train of thought. We were discussing this because she had to be at an appointment earlier than her usual wake up time and wanted to be sure to set her alarm for a much earlier time. I said “Oh, that won’t be necessary. Just tell the Lord what time you want to wake up. He does it for me all the time”. “Well, I’d feel more comfortable if we set the alarm.” So I said to her “Okay, ye of little faith. But just to prove my point I am going to ask the Lord to wake us up just before 5:30.”

    The next morning I awoke before the alarm went off. I looked at the clock. It read 5:15. I looked at my wife, who had just awakened at the same time with an I-told-you-so smile on my face.

    Sometimes we wrongfully view God as someone we go to for only the “big things.” The idea of “bothering God” for such a trivial matter seems foolish and presumptuous. However, when you were a child and had to get up in the morning for school, didn’t your mother or father come wake you up? They were your parents and you could come to them with the most trivial concerns or requests. Why would our heavenly Father be any less approachable? Perhaps our problem is that we simply have not developed a level of intimacy with God so that we feel the freedom to approach Him at these daily, routine levels. We often operate with an unwritten code that says our needs must have a certain degree of importance or crisis before we come to God with them. This is not God’s character towards us.

Does the Lord desire this level of intimacy with you and me?

The apostle Paul exhorted us to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17 ). There is never a caution to pray only about matters of greater importance.

Today, go to God with matters that you might view as trivial and would normally avoid bringing to Him. Ask GOD to increase your level of intimacy with Him. You may even be able to get rid of your alarm clock.

Quote of the Day

The fact that disabled people hang in there does something for Christians. It’s not about being an inspiration for others, it more than that…. it’s a mystery. God somehow strengthens others by their faithfulness. They may feel like a burden to others, but God thinks the opposite. He thinks its necessary for others to take care of the disabled… they do more for one’s spiritual well being than can be imagined. What’s more is that it’s all being credited to the disabled person’s account, per Philippians 1:25-26. If the disabled person is alone and does not meet others, they must endure for the purpose of teaching the unseen powers, the rulers, and authorities in the heavenly realms about the powerful and all sustaining Lord (Ephesians 3:10). ~Joni Eareckson Tada~








Written by Glenn Sterrett, Founder and CEO of the GCKRS™ Helping Hand Foundation.

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