Praise the Lord for His mercy and grace. Today I am going to give a little bit of a meal on who we are and whose we are but first we will pray. Each of us needs to pray the following prayer from our hearts.

Today’s Prayer

Father, There’s a little silly song I’ve heard that goes like this: “Oh Lord, it’s hard to be humble, when you’re perfect in every way…” Well, people may laugh at that little “jingle,” but the truth is, too many of us think of ourselves more highly than we should. I’m sorry for when I’ve been guilty of that. I’m not always right, and usually admit when I’m wrong, but there are times when my attitude has been too “high and mighty” or “holier than thou.” I do not want to be that way. I am not better than my brothers and sisters in Christ. We are all human, sinners saved by grace. The rich are not better than the poor, nor the poor better than the rich; nor the supervisor better than the supervised and so on. We all serve a different, but important, function. Please help me remain humble and appreciative of all…and most of all, appreciative of You and Your mighty works. I praise You, Lord, for Who You are. I sit here, humbled in Your presence. With love and in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Let’s eat.

Belief or Unbelief

…”Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.” – Romans 4:3

    Here are some plain and simple truths. You can be a believer yet act as though there is no God. Whenever you fret over life circumstances, you immediately demonstrate unbelief. Whenever you move out of fear or anxiety, you believe a lie about God’s nature.

    Each day your actions affirm or convict you of your belief system. It reveals who the central focus of your life really is; you or God. It reveals who you place your ultimate trust in; you or God. It is one of the great paradoxes for believers. One day we can believe Him to move mountains. The next day we can question His very existence.

. Peter believed God and walked on water.

A sick woman touched the hem of His garment and was healed.

A Canaanite woman believed and freed her daughter from demon-possession.

In what circumstances do you act as an “unbeliever”? Ask God to increase your level of trust so that your actions match up with one who believes every day.

Quote of the Day

People are prepared for everything except for the fact that beyond the darkness of their blindness there is a great light. They are prepared to go on breaking their backs plowing the same old field until the cows come home without seeing, until they stub their toes on it, that there is a treasure buried in that field rich enough to buy Texas. They are prepared for a God who strikes hard bargains but not for a God who gives as much for an hour’s work as for a day’s. They are prepared for a mustard-seed kingdom of God no bigger than the eye of a newt but not for the great banyan it becomes with birds in its branches singing Mozart. They are prepared for the potluck supper at First Presbyterian but not for the marriage supper of the lamb…
~Frederick Buechner~







Written by Glenn Sterrett, Founder and CEO of the GCKRS™ Helping Hand Foundation.

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