Good day to ya everyone. This is the day that Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. I want all of you to know that today is the day for all to get a reality check. I’m sure that this message on obedience is going to wake up the real child of God in all of us. We are going to pray and dig in.

Today’s Prayer

Father, You have instructed us to not be anxious, worrisome, overly concerned for anything but instead to bring everything to you in prayer and thanksgiving. If we do this, you have promised us that your peace, which passes all understanding, shall keep our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7). I come to you now for myself and on behalf of my brothers and sisters in Christ, and for those who suffer so much due to anxiety and depression. I pray that you will fill us with your peace; that you will touch our minds and remind us that we do not need to worry. You are our God and maker. You will handle it for us. Worrying does no good. May we lean into you, talk with you; spend time in your Word and before the throne of grace. May we fellowship with other Christians, those who will encourage us, even more so as the day approaches. Right now, this day, we give you our concerns and ask that you will work out all to our good and your glory. Thank you, Father, for loving us and carrying our burdens. Thank you, Father, for providing our needs. Thank you, Father, for Jesus Christ our Savior and the hope He has given. For it is in His name I pray, Amen.

Let’s eat.

3 Phased Obedience

“Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself'” (Matthew 22:37,38).

    From 1994 to 2001, I went through what I call my “Joseph Pit” experience. It was at the end of this time of great adversity and great growth that I wrote the first Glenn’s Meal and also birthed many of the things I am doing today. During this season, I discovered a spiritual truth about how most believers experience three distinct phases of their growth toward obedience in their Christian walks.

    When we first begin our spiritual journey we often make decisions from convenience. Often, we decide what the outcome is that we want and then make decisions based on the perceived outcome. If it is a positive outcome, then we will make an obedient decision. I call this outcome-based obedience.

    However, God desires that each of us live an Obedience-based life. In order to transition us from an outcome-based process to an obedience-based process, he will bring a crisis into our lives. This crisis is designed to create pain which motivates us to seek Him to alleviate the pain. We have all heard of “fox-hole” Christianity. There is place of obedience for everyone! However, this is not where God desires us to remain.

    Ultimately, God desires us to live a life of obedience and intimacy rooted in conviction. We obey His commands from a heart of love and devotion. During the crisis phase we discover the personal love of God in our lives which we had never experienced before. Most of us will get to this phase of our walk with God by first living a life of convenience, then we will go through the crisis that will then lead us into an intimate love relationship with God.

The Christian life can be summed up in one word-love. God’s desire for each of us is to know Him intimately and to love Him with all of our heart. Have you told your Heavenly Father you love Him today?

Quote of the Day

We turn to God for help when our foundations are shaking only to learn that it is God shaking them. ~Charles West~








Written by Glenn Sterrett, Founder and CEO of the GCKRS™ Helping Hand Foundation.

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