Praise the Lord for another day and another chance to move forward in the gospel. The thought that really hit my spirit today was “Which team are you on – offense or defense?” so I’m going to pray about it right now.
Today’s Prayer
Father, Today I just want to take time to thank You for old friends; friends from younger years and through different stages of my life. Oh how they helped teach me, encourage me, and enrich my life. Sometimes their influence was not so good, other times it was wonderful. We learn from our mistakes as well as the things we do right. Each friend has been special in their own way. Some have gone on from this earth to be with You. Others, well only You know. I pray for those who still walk this earth. I pray for their souls and their lives; that they will be Yours and You will bless them. I pray for their special needs, that You will meet each one in the way You know best. I pray that they will feel this prayer on their behalf and experience a gentle breeze from the moving of Your Holy Spirit and receive the message and the blessing You have in store for them. Thank You, friend above all friends, my Creator and Savior. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
Let’s eat.
Which team are you on – offense or defense?
“I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” John 10:10
The message today is short and sweet. Do you know what’s wrong with many of us? We’re trying to get out of trouble rather than get into righteousness.
We’re so focused on the defensive side of Christianity that we forget about the offensive, positive approach.
Wouldn’t you like to rise up and experience the abundant life our Lord talks about? Jesus came to give us eternal life—the abundant life. We need to do like the old song says, “Accentuate the positive. Eliminate the negative. Why don’t you determine today that you are going to get right with God and stay right with God? The abundant life comes as a matter of course once you determine you’re going to take steps to lead a life of obedience.
Quote of the Day
Someone gave me a bit of brick and a little slab of marble from Rome. It was wonderful to touch one of them and think, Perhaps the Apostle Paul or one of the martyrs touched this as they passed. But how much more wonderful is it to think that we have, for our own use, the very same sword our Lord used when the Devil attacked Him. [Brooke Foss] Westcott says “The Word of God” in Ephesians 6:17 means “a definite utterance of God”. We know these “definite utterances” – we have the same Book that He had, and we can do as He did. So let us learn the “definite utterances” that they may be ready in our minds; ready for use at the moment of need – our sword which never grows dull and rusty, but is always keen and bright. So once more I say, let us not expect defeat but victory. Let us take fast hold and keep fast hold of our sword, and we shall win in any assault of the enemy. ~Amy Carmichael~