Detours 041513

Praise the Lord for another day and another chance to stay on the right path. We are to keep on stepping with the help of the Holy Ghost.

Today’s Prayer

Father, Time and grace heals our wounds, but time is not always a friend. What about our friends who have not heard Your words of life? What if they were to die today? We should know how short life can be. We’ve lost loved ones and friends who were young. Accidents and sudden illness can take away a life quickly. Cancer, diabetes, aneurisms, catastrophic events can change a person’s health and life in a moment. Lord, why do we fear opening our mouths? Please help us to be bold, to speak Your words of truth and life to those we love, our families and friends, before time runs out. Help us to be a living testimony for You. Stir up the Holy Spirit within us and the gifts You have given us to minister to others, to reach a dying world, to share Your love and Your hope for the future. Thank You in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior, Amen.

Let’s eat.

Avoiding Detours

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. – Proverbs 3:5-6

I remember a few years back I was returning from visiting a friend and it was very late. I turned off the interstate to get some gas for my car. After getting the gas, I went to get back on the interstate and I turned onto the road I assumed I needed to be on in order to get to the entrance ramp to get back on the interstate. It was dark and I couldn’t see any signs. I made a turn to the right that appeared to be the turn I needed to make. I could see the interstate was next to the road. As I continued down this road, the interstate was on my left. It soon became obvious it was not the entrance road but rather a frontage road. I assumed it would take me to the next interchange. However, the road soon turned away from the interstate. It grew darker and darker. The road became a dirt road. I realized I was not going to get to the interstate on this road. Being a bit frustrated that I had made the wrong turn, I turned around and went back, losing valuable time.

It’s easy to make assumptions about the path we are on. If God’s Spirit hasn’t enlightened our reasoning, we are inclined to make the wrong choices. Our choices seem right at the time, but later we discover these choices have led us away from God because they were based on our own reasoning. Like when I made the wrong turn on my trip home. I was able to turn around and get back on the right course.

Acknowledge God in all your ways today. Lean completely on Him to reveal His direction for your life. If you do so, He will direct you to the desired destination He has for you.

Quote of the Day

You have established a new relationship with the powers of darkness. Whatever you were before you were a Christian… you are now a sworn foe of the legions of hell. Have no delusions about their reality or their hostility, but do not fear them. The God inside you terrifies them. They cannot hurt you, let alone hurt you, but they can still seduce, and they will try. They will also oppose you as you obey Christ. You are serious about Christ being your Lord and God, you can expect opposition. ~John White~





Written by Glenn Sterrett, Founder and CEO of the GCKRS™ Helping Hand Foundation.

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