Glenn’s Meal 02-13-14

Good day to ya everyone. Today I’m going to share something with you that really blessed me when I read it. But first we must pray. Today’s Prayer (An individual prayer; Inject your own feelings...

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Glenn’s Meal 02-12-14

——- Good day to ya everyone. Oh give thanks unto the Lord for He is good yes He is good and He is worthy of all our praise. As I sat down to write...

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Glenn’s Meal 02-11-14

—– Good morning everyone. What a wonderful day we have before us. Regardless of what your circumstances are, you are a child of God and you are drawing breath. Your mission should be very...

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Glenn’s Meal 02-10-14 am

——- Good day to ya everyone. Praise the Lord for another wonderful day in His service. I can’t remember if I shared this particular revelation on relationship with all of you or not, so...

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Glenn’s Meal 02-09-14

—– Good morning and praise the Lord for another wonderful day. The weather may be cold (in the Midwest) by our job and direction are the same; spreading the gospel. The question of the...

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Glenn’s Meal 02-08-14

Good day everyone. Oh give thanks unto the Lord for He is good yes He is good and so very worthy of all praise. There may be some among us that don’t know...

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Glenn’s Meal 02-07-14

—– Good day and praise the Lord for another wonderful day. As I started thinking about what the meal would consist of, the word “clean” dropped into my spirit. I instantly thought about the...

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Glenn’s Meal 02-06-14

—– Good day everyone. As I sit here the Lord took me back to show me how He put me in some very uncomfortable situations in order to get me to pull even closer...

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Glenn’s Meal 02-05-14

-_-_- Good day and give thanks to the Lord that gives new life to those who choose the correct path. My question today is what path have you chosen and trying to stay on?...

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Glenn’s Meal 02-04-14

Good morning everyone. As I sit here putting together the ingredients for today’s meal the word “backslider” dropped into my spirit and I instantly started reviewing my behavior as a man of God....

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