Glenn’s Meal 11-16-13

Good morning and praise God for this wonderful fall day He has put before us. I praise Him because He is allowing me to draw in the air that I breathe and the...

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Glenn’s Meal 11-15-13

Good morning everyone. As I sit here this morning part of Psalm 91 ministered to me in my spirit; For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your...

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Glenn’s Meal 11-14-13

Good morning everyone and praise the Lord for another day and another chance because there is somebody that didn’t get a chance this morning. The question now becomes; what are you going to...

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Glenn’s Meal 11-13-13

Good morning everyone. Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice. With the impending holiday season on our door step I ask that each and every one of you reading this...

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Glenn’s Meal 11-12-13

Good morning everyone. As I sat here in my secret place I got one word dropped into my spirit; “short”. I put some thought to that single word and got some help from...

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Glenn’s Meal 11-11-13

Good morning everyone. First and foremost I want to say Thank You to all the Veterans of all the armed services of the USA. You have gone above and beyond the call of...

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Glenn’s Meal 11-10-13

  Good morning everyone. This the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it. For the last few days the Lord has been showing me things in...

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Glenn’s Meal 11-09-13

Good morning everyone. God is good all the time and all the time God is good. I was led to the Psalms today and I know that this particular Psalm is going to...

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Glenn’s Meal 11-08-13

Good morning everyone. Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice. Father we love You and thank you for Your mercy and grace, most of all grace.   TODAY’S PRAYER     Father, I come...

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Glenn’s Meal 11-07-13

  Good morning everyone. Often people around me ask why I smile so much and why I do things for others who don’t seem to appreciate the gestures and even take advantage of my...

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