Glenn’s Meal 05-08-13

Good morning and praise the Lord for another day. The meal is going to deal with something that each and every one of us deals with every day. I have shared this before...

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Glenn’s Meal 05-07-13

Good morning everyone. I’m going to take a biblical stand this day. The reason I feel I must take this stand is so that there is no mistake by anyone of what the...

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Glenn’s Meal 05-06-13

Good evening everyone. I ask for grace for such a late meal but I was traveling all day and just got home a little over an hour ago. As I was speaking with...

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Glenn’s Meal 05-05-13

Good morning everyone. Oh give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good yes He is good and He is worthy to be praised. The bible tells us that with God, all things...

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Glenn’s Meal 05-04-13

Good morning everyone. Today the words that dropped into my spirit were “gifts and teachable moments”. I took this to mean things given by the Father. I’m sharing what is on my heart...

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Glenn’s Meal 05-03-13

Good morning everyone. There are many people who ask everyday, “Why do you always have a smile when we see you?” When I tell them who put that smile on my face regardless...

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Glenn’s Meal 05-02-13

Good morning everyone. Oh give thanks unto the Lord for He is good yes He is good and worthy of our praise. There may be somebody reading this message that doesn’t believe that...

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Glenn’s Meal 05-01-13

Good morning everyone. I am so happy that we serve a God that never changes. That is especially good for me personally right now. I’m at a point where things are happening in...

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Glenn’s Meal 04-30-13

Good morning and praise the Lord for mercy and grace. Today we are going to get better equipped to do our job as children of God. This message came from a conversation I...

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Glenn’s Meal 04-29-13

Good morning everyone. I was in a group of people the other day and the subject of laws came up. The person that brought up the subject happened to be a fallen believer....

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