Glenn’s Meal 03-29-13

Good morning everyone. Oh give thanks unto the Lord for He is good yes He is good and He is worthy of all of our praise. On this day that we have come...

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Glenn’s Meal 03-28-13

Good morning everyone. I ask this morning for grace from you. I know that I’m a little later than usual with the message but on this Maundy Thursday when we will commemorate the...

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Glenn’s Meal 03-27-13

Good morning everyone. This is the day the Lord has made. We will REJOICE and be glad in it. It’s mid-week and the spiritual order of the day is prayer and reflection on...

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Glenn’s Meal 03-26-13

Good morning everyone. This is one of those mornings that I just feel extra thankful and want to give praise to God for who He is; God all by Himself. Are you going...

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Glenn’s Nugget 03-25-13

We are at the beginning of the Holiest week of our calendar year. Let this be a week of prayer and reflection for all of us and we will start it off with...

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Glenn’s Nugget 03-22-13

The meal that I put together as my blog dealt with people who either build up their treasures here on earth or are working toward kingdom treasures. I decided that the nugget of...

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Glenn’s Nugget 03-21-13

My focus this morning turned to Jesus’ first public miracle. There are many was I could go with this to show how awesome this one work was. This is the scripture: John 2:5 New Living...

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Glenn’s Nugget 03-20-13

It was brought to my attention that everyone reading theses series of messages is a long time believer. Some are babes in Christ and from time to time need more finite instructions so...

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Glenn’s Nugget 03-19-13

The nugget of the day is an epiphany I had and some supporting scripture so get ready. I got to thinking about the way God looks at us as his children. I believe...

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