Good morning everyone. There is a stirring in my spirit this morning that won’t let me go. Today I’m led to talk about real spiritual life not just the Wednesday, Sunday kind and...
Glenn’s Meal 04-05-13
Good morning and praise the Lord for another day to move forward. As I woke up this morning I received the word of God through another person over the television air waves. I...
Glenn’s Meal 04-04-13
Good morning and thank the Lord for another day and another chance to introduce Him to somebody. As I sit here some realities hit my spirit. We as Christians read the bible to...
Glenn’s Meal 04-03-13
Good morning everyone. Oh give thanks unto the Lord for He is good, yes He is good. Look at the opportunities He has laid before us. We should get busy right now. How...
Glenn’s Meal 04-02-13
Good morning everyone. Her we are with another wonderful day before us and it’s time to go to work. I’m not talking about your worldly job; I’m talking about your spiritual job. Sometimes...
Glenn’s Meal 04-01-13
Good evening everyone. Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice. What a wonderful day and time to be a child of God. Please us the privilege as often as possible. Today’s...
Glenn’s Meal 03-31-13
Good morning and give thanks unto the Lord for He is good yes He is good. He is more than worthy to be praised. Today is going to be a special day. I’m...
Glenn’s Meal 03-30-13
Good morning everyone and praise the Lord for another day and another chance to move forward with the work of saving souls. As I sit here putting together this message my spirit is...
Glenn’s Meal 03-29-13
Good morning everyone. Oh give thanks unto the Lord for He is good yes He is good and He is worthy of all of our praise. On this day that we have come...
Glenn’s Meal 03-28-13
Good morning everyone. I ask this morning for grace from you. I know that I’m a little later than usual with the message but on this Maundy Thursday when we will commemorate the...