Good day and give thanks unto the Lord for He is good, yes He is good and worthy of our praise. We are going to feast on the joy of the Lord today so get ready.

Today’s Prayer

Father, forgive us, Your people, for standing by while our nation slips further and further from its Christian heritage. … Each day we find ourselves being misinformed and misled by those who think that our nation’s problems can be solved by more taxes, more policemen, and more government spending. Open our eyes, Lord, to see that these are only “patches” on our country’s structure, while its moral foundations are being undermined. … Help us to see that unless we return to living by Your rules for morality — unless we teach each generation the value of being personally accountable, responsible, honest and caring — we will contribute to bringing on the downfall of our nation. … Oh Lord, help us to see that only repentance will save us — turning around and deciding to go Your way — because You can not and will not bless our sinful ways. In the matchless name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

Let’s eat.

Finding Joy in All the Right Places

“O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in Him.” – Psalm 34:8

    I’m going to make this statement: a Christian should be filled with joy. But we can’t take any credit for it. It is Jesus who gives us joy and satisfaction. We couldn’t have found it had we been searching for it, but by finding, knowing, and growing in Christ, He has filled us with an overflowing joy. There are a lot of “so called” Christians around us all the time. You know the one’s I’m speaking about; always got a scowl on their faces and never really having anything positive to say to anyone. Those who wait for another Christian to fall and then ridicule them for what they did instead of helping them up and encouraging them.

Do you know what the devil will tell you? That holiness and happiness don’t go together. He will tell you that if you make up your mind to live a holy life, then you won’t have any fun. I’m here to tell you today that the devil is a liar. You’ll never know satisfaction and joy until you find it in the right place. You’ll never enjoy the good things of life until you know Jesus. Oh, how sweet to know the Lord Jesus Christ. Is the hunger of your heart met in Christ? If not, ask Him to come into your life and your heart right now.

Quote of the Day

Prevailing prayer is prayer that pushes right through all difficulties and obstacles, drives back all the opposing forces of Satan, and secures the will of God. Its purpose is to accomplish God’s will on earth. Prevailing prayer is prayer that not only takes the initiative but continues on the offensive for God until spiritual victory is won. ~Wesley L. Duewel~







Written by Glenn Sterrett, Founder and CEO of the GCKRS™ Helping Hand Foundation.

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