Praise the Lord for another day and another chance to get on the right path. Who will you talk to about His saving grace today? That is one of the most important things we have to do.

Today’s Prayer 

Father, You have said “But on this one will I look: on him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, and who trembles at My Word” (Isaiah 66:2). Lord, may we remain humble in spirit, ever thankful for Your blessings, in awe of Your work, and reverence Your Word. You are a powerful and awesome God. You speak and it is done. You breath and life is created. You look and You see our innermost being. Father, we are sorry for being complainers at times and worriers sometimes and for failing to stop and listen. What do we have to dread, when the Most High is our Creator, Lord, and Savior? We pray that You will help us meditate on things above, on all that is good, and on Your Word–a balm to our spirits that brings renewal to our minds and health to our soul. Who are we Lord? Are we Your created, formed in Your image, saved by Your grace, redeemed by the blood of JESUS. Thank You Almighty God for Your presence and Your mercy on us. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

Let’s eat.

Gently Leading

    I was doing a self assessment of my leadership ability for a potential position the other day. As I was filling out the form, I automatically thought to go to the Word and read what the manual has to say about leading. After reading the manual I found that my grade wasn’t as high as I first thought.

So let my lord go on ahead of his servant, while I move along slowly at the pace of the droves before me and that of the children, until I come to my lord in Seir. – Genesis 33:14

    You see, work often determines that we move at a pace that can put incredible stresses upon people and relationships. The bible tells us that Jacob was a man who learned to manipulate and control outcomes. He even stole the birthright of his brother, Esau, through trickery. The Bible speaks of Jacob as a man who strived with God. He knew how to force situations to his advantage. It took years for God to break down all the rough edges of Jacob so that he could be worthy of becoming the patriarch of the 12 tribes of Israel. God saw something in Jacob that He could use.

    Robert Hicks, in his book Masculine Journey, describes five biblical stages of manhood that must be passed through before a man becomes a mature man of God. One of those early stages is known as the “warrior stage.” In this stage of manhood, the man is known by what he does, what he accomplishes, and he is totally defined by his performance. It can be a chaotic time for the man and those close to him. It is often signified by broken relationships because the goal is often more important than the way the goal is accomplished. When I meet with a man, I can easily determine what stage of life he is in by hearing him talk.

    Jacob had successfully passed through these five stages based on the verse above. It takes someone mature to be able to “move along slowly at the pace of the droves before me and that of the children.” Leaders who never come to understand this may be successful materially but fail at the most important aspect of leadership; leading at a pace that his followers can maintain. The roads are full of wives, children, and workers who cannot keep up with the pace of leaders and are left behind with broken dreams, broken hearts, and unfulfilled promises.

Are you a person who is more concerned with outcome than how you achieve the outcome?

Can the people around you describe you as someone who leads at a pace that ensures respect and admiration?

Ask the Lord for the ability to be a godly leader who understands the condition of his followers and the pace in which you can lead without alienating them.

Quote of the Day

Do what you can, being what you are. Shine as glow-worm if you cannot be a star. Work like a pulley if you cannot be crane; be a wheel grinder if you cannot drive a train. Be the pliant oar if you cannot be the sailor; be the needle if you cannot be a tailor… Be the sharpened sickle if you cannot be the reaper. ~Anonymous~







Written by Glenn Sterrett, Founder and CEO of the GCKRS™ Helping Hand Foundation.

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