Good day everyone. I was tormented in my sleep last night with issues that were not anywhere close to being about God and kingdom work. I woke up this morning with a renewed desire to serve God. Not just ordinary service, I mean extraordinary service. So today I’m putting the challenge out to any and everyone reading this message, to do something out of the ordinary to give glory to His name.
(This is an individual prayer to be prayed from your heart.)
Father, You are so good. You have given me talents and abilities to use in enjoying life, being productive, and glorifying You. Please show me the best ways and places to exercise those talents and abilities for Your glory. Help me to find fulfillment in performing to the best of my abilities. I pray that I will live up to my capability. You are a God of order and good, not confusion, disorder, and bad. I pray that I will be organized, orderly, and good for the benefit of Your kingdom most of all, but also for my family, my work, my ministry, and even little ole me. In JESUS’ name I pray, amen.
Let’s eat.
[strahyv] Show IPA
verb (used without object), strove or strived, striv•en [striv-uh n] Show IPA or strived,striv•ing.
to exert oneself vigorously; try hard: He strove to make himself understood.
to make strenuous efforts toward any goal: to strive for success.
to contend in opposition, battle, or any conflict; compete.
to struggle vigorously, as in opposition or resistance: to strive against fate.
to rival; vie.
verb ə-ˈbīd
: to accept or bear (someone or something bad, unpleasant, etc.)
: to stay or live somewhere
: to remain or continue
Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain. – Psalm 127:1
When you start reading and meditating on this scripture, what does it mean for the Lord to build the house? It almost seems a contradiction when we consider that we might be the builders in this passage. God wants us to allow Him to build the house. He explains further:
Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain. In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat – for He grants sleep to those He loves (Psalm 127:1-2).
I believe that God is telling us there is a way of working without striving. There is a way to conduct business without sweating and toiling for outcome. His warning to each of us is to avoid thinking that outcome is based on our sweat and toil. Outcome is based on obedience. That outcome is sometimes more than we deserve. Sometimes it is less than we hoped for. His desire for each of us is to see Him working in our daily work life. He wants us to avoid looking to our own effort to gain an outcome.
The bible tells us that one day Jesus called out to Peter from the shore of the lake and suggested he throw his net on the other side of the boat. It was this simple act of obedience that yielded a tremendous catch that he would not have received unless he obeyed.
We are called to work; He is called to bring forth the fruit. He is the vine. We are the branches. Fruit comes forth naturally from a healthy tree.
So here it is my friends, another challenge, starting today and everyday until you leave this earth, ask God to show you when you enter into striving. Ask Him to show you the difference between loving trust and obedience and striving for outcome. I know that it can be challenging for us to balance this in our daily work experience. He wants to help us walk in this freedom and rest.
Do you long to know how you may always experience deliverance from the sin of prayerlessness? Here you have the secret. Believe in the Son of God, give Him time in the inner chamber to reveal Himself in His ever present nearness, as the Eternal and Almighty One, the Eternal Love who watches over you … . It has not entered into the heart of man what God can do for those who love Him.
Andrew Murray
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James H. Taylor Sr. – Kankakee City News has published my Daily meal message for a decade.