Good morning everyone. Today I opened my eyes again because the Lord has a purpose for my existence. The first thing that popped into my head was “faithfulness” and I thought,” there isn’t a better example of faithfulness than God! So put on your bib and get your utensils ready.
Father, on behalf of my brothers and sisters in Christ I say thank you; for being HERE with us. When we rejoice, when our hearts are heavy, when we cry, when we smile, when we are confused, when we are sure, when we are lonely, when we are busy, when we are facing great challenges or small decisions, whatever the situation and wherever we are, there you are with us. Thank you for holding us up and keeping us going. Thank you for meeting every need. Thank you for hearing us. We love you and appreciate you for who you are and all you do for us. You are magnificent, holy, and mighty. We praise you and lift up your name this day. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Let’s eat.
The Lord is faithful to all His promises and loving toward all He has made. The Lord upholds all those who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down. – Psalm 145:13-14
Have you ever had a relationship with someone who was faithful? You knew you could depend on that person to do what he or she said. You learned that their word was completely trustworthy. If they said they would call you, they would. If they said they’d be somewhere at a certain time, they’d be there. In fact, if they were late, you began to wonder if they had an accident because it was so opposite to their nature. It’s great to have friends who are faithful.
Here’s a news flash; God is faithful. He is faithful to fulfill every promise in His Word. Sometimes we think God isn’t faithful because it appears He has not fulfilled a desire that we have. Sometimes we think He is not faithful because of a crisis event that seems to say God isn’t faithful. We have to remember that God is more concerned about accomplishing His ultimate purpose in the life of every believer than giving us the desires of our heart. Sometimes this results in hardship.
The Bible is full of accounts of God’s faithfulness that was often accompanied by hardship. He brought Joseph out of slavery to be greatly used in a nation. He delivered the people from Egypt and brought them into the Promised Land. He gave Abraham the son of promise late in his life. He delivered David from his enemies and made him a king. In story upon story, we learn of God’s faithfulness.
Here’s a question; Are you a faithful man or woman?
The body of Christ needs faithful men and women. Take an inventory of your life today and ask God if you have been faithful with what He has entrusted to you.
“Temptation can cause us to succumb, sink, sin, or stand.”
William Ward
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