Good day everyone. As you all know by now, I share from my heart on a daily basis and I hope that each of you passes the information along to at least one other person. Today I am passing along something that I know you will be blessed by; THE LOVE OF GOD.

Today’s Prayer

Father, Your Word says, “Blessed are the poor in spirit,”* — those who realize that they need the Holy Spirit to quicken both Your Word and Your truth for them. Help us realize that we need You each day of our lives; we need Your guidance, we need Your wisdom, we need to know that Your love is constant and that Your grace is sufficient to sustain us. … As we prepare for uncertain times ahead, help us yield to Your sovereignty, to trust Your faithfulness, and to desire to serve You as we seek Your will for our lives. In the matchless name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

Let’s eat.

Living In The Love Of God

Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.  Matthew 7:12 (KJV)

    The place to live is in the Word of God. Jesus said, “If you keep my commandments you shall abide in my love.” The word “abide” means live in, settle down, and take up residence in His love. Well, Jesus is the Son of love. Jehovah is the God of love. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of love. Then being in the middle of that love is being in the middle of the secret place of the Most High. And it is being in the middle of His will that provides protection.

    By living in the Word of God, you abide, or live in the love of God. You, therefore, will love your way right into Heaven. Jesus said in Matthew 7:12 to do to others as you want men to do to you. And then He tells us about the pathway to Heaven. He says that the straight way and the narrow way is the love way. Anybody can follow the flesh way. Following the flesh can cause you to retaliate, defend yourself or even punch or curse someone out. But abiding in the love of God takes some effort.

    Jesus chose the love way, because the Father loved Him. And that got Him divine protection when He needed it. And God loves you just like He loves Jesus. Therefore, when you choose the love way, you get what Jesus got. You get God’s protection. The same authority Jesus has, you have. Remember, that you can’t duplicate the works of God, but you can duplicate the works of a man anointed by God. Well, Jesus, in His walk in this earth, was a man anointed by God; and He was a man that walked in the love of God. That love gave Him divine protection and authority over every sickness and disease, over every problem and over all the power of the enemy. When Satan finally got Him on that cross, it was because Jesus knew it was time for Him to redeem you and me, making sure that we have everything that He has. Then if Jesus has it, what do you have when you walk in love?

Love causes you to have divine protection, authority over every sickness and disease, over every problem and over all the power of the enemy. The result of Jesus giving His life on that cross was that He rose up from the grave to live in victory. Love is the only way to total victory in this life. And it is the ingredient that causes your faith to work. (Galatians 5:6) So make your dwelling place in the love of God that it may be well with you, and that you may walk in total peace and in God’s divine protection.

Quote of the Day

In the Bible, faith is a mixture of trust and trustworthiness. To have complete confidence in God makes a man reliable. And, when someone never lets you down, you look instinctively for a deeper relationship. ~Robert Mackie~ 







Written by Glenn Sterrett, Founder and CEO of the GCKRS™ Helping Hand Foundation.

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