Good day to ya everyone. On this day I had one of those “oh my” moments. I was beginning to put thought to a situation that’s going on in my life right now when I caught myself almost thinking that the situation looked to be impossible. It’s impossible for me but not for the God that I serve. As children of God we must stop our “stinkin thinkin” and remember the lessons taught in the Word.
Today’s Prayer
Father, Thank you for this day. Thank you for meeting our needs. I come to You today on behalf of my brothers and sisters in Christ, asking that You will increase our faith. I want our faith to be as the grain of mustard seed that can move mountains and as constant as Your love for us. Please move in our lives and strengthen our spirits through Your Holy Spirit. May we be faithful witnesses for You Lord. In the matchless name of Jesus I pray, Amen.
Let’s eat.
Thinking outside the Box
“But this He said to test him, for He Himself knew what He would do” (John 6:6).
This is a familiar story from the bible that teaches some very important lessons. Jesus and the disciples had just crossed the Sea of Galilee and multitudes followed Him because of the miracles they saw Him do. He was about to speak to them when Jesus realized it was dinner time and the people would be hungry. There were more than 5,000 people who needed to be fed. Jesus already knew what He was going to do in this situation. However, He was testing the disciples to see if they would think beyond themselves to find a God-solution to the problem. They failed the test just as you and I do at one time or another. The disciples looked in their pocketbooks and realized they did not have adequate resources to purchase enough food for the crowd. It is when we come to the end of our resources that God comes in with His resources.
When I first started thinking of my present circumstances, I thought about how I have over committed my time and it is becoming uncomfortable because I feel like I’m letting people down because I can’t possibly meet all of these commitments. What I can do is ask God to send someone or something in my place in order to meet the needs of everyone involved in these situations and continue on. At times I have such a giving spirit I forget how to say no. The Lord is working on me in this area and teaching me to use all the resources at my disposal (including Him).
When a problem arises in your work life, do you think only of logical thought? Perhaps God has created this problem as an opportunity to reveal His glory in the situation. Next time, go outside the box and see the glory of God manifested in your problem!
Quote of the Day
Jesus appears to be holding out his hand to us even as he calls us. He tells us he will provide a bridge over the chasm if we will abide in him. We hear his words, but such language is strange to us, sounding like the dialects of many who have used us or consumed us and then left us along the highway, exposed and alone. We pull back. Many of us return to Vanity Fair and mortgage our heart to purchase more of what is religiously or materially familiar. A few of us arouse our spirit and take a step toward the chasm. ~Brent Curtis~