_ 081114 Waiting on god

I went back 10 years in the archives to get the message that I’m sharing today. It’s as timely today as it was then. Let it bless you.

Today’s Prayer

Father, there are times when we feel overwhelmed, caught in a web of insurmountable problems, not knowing where to turn. Our hearts have needs that our minds cannot answer. Oh Lord, teach us to turn everything over to You, to relax, to trust You, to “climb our watchtower and wait to see what answer You will give to our complaint.”. Remind us that our weakness is also our opportunity to discover Your strength. Forgive us, Lord, for forgetting that You never expected us to carry our burdens alone. We need You every hour, we need You. Do not abandon us. In the matchless name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

Let’s eat.


By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them. ~ Exodus 13:21

    I’m going to start this message with 2 deep questions. How are you at waiting on God? How do you determine if God is giving you the go ahead to move forward? Many of us believers make the mistake of adding up all the pluses and then concluding that God has given us the green light. Several factors go into making a decision from the Lord. It’s important to do three things before you make a decision on a matter.

    First, you should gather facts. Fact gathering allows you to determine all the realities of a given situation. However, this doesn’t ultimately drive your decision, but it can put a stop to it. For instance, if you were planning to build a shopping center and you knew the only way to lease the space was to rent to a group of people that are promoting things that are morally wrong, your decision would be made. God would not lead you to enter into unrighteous ventures.

    Second, is the Holy Spirit guiding you in your decision? “If the Lord delights in a man’s way, He makes his steps firm” (Psalm 37:23). George Mueller cites that the steps are also “by the Lord.” God puts hedges around us, but many times we bull our way through the hedges under the guise of tenacity and perseverance. This too is unrighteousness. One wise believer stated that the greatest success one can have in business is to know when it is time to pull the plug rather than keep forcing a situation. Not all businesses last forever.

    Third, has your decision been confirmed? God has placed others around us to be used as instruments in our lives to confirm decisions and keep us from the deceit of our own heart. Every matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses” (2 Corinthians 13:1). This is God’s way of keeping us within the hedge of His protection. “Write your plans in pencil and give God the eraser.”

Quote of the Day

He has right to interrupt your life. He is Lord. When you accepted Him as Lord, you gave Him, the right to help Himself to your life anytime He wants. ~Henry Blackaby~





Written by Glenn Sterrett, Founder and CEO of the GCKRS™ Helping Hand Foundation.

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